


Young girl sleeping - Enuresis - Bed Wetting Treatment

How Sleep Affects Kids Behavior and Attention

The connection between sleep and children’s behavior isn’t talked about enough. If you don’t get enough sleep, you can’t focus! As adults, we know what it is like to be so tired we can’t think straight. We have the luxury of being about to grab some caffeine, alter our work schedule, or pop a B12, but kids often aren’t even

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Mindful Young Mom Teaching Yoga

The Benefits of Breathwork and Meditation for Kids

Oftentimes, people assume there is only one kind of meditation that involves sitting and being quiet, humming “Ohm.” As a result of their Preformed notions, Most think meditation isn’t for them.  Silent meditation can be challenging because people often struggle with quieting the brain and body, especially children. Although quiet meditation is one of the many kinds of mediation, there

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Young girl sleeping - Enuresis - Bed Wetting Treatment

How Sleep Affects Kids Behavior and Attention

The connection between sleep and children’s behavior isn’t talked about enough. If you don’t get enough sleep, you can’t focus! As adults, we know what it is like to be so tired we can’t think straight. We have the luxury of being about to grab some caffeine, alter our work schedule, or pop a B12, but kids often aren’t even

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Mindful Young Mom Teaching Yoga

The Benefits of Breathwork and Meditation for Kids

Oftentimes, people assume there is only one kind of meditation that involves sitting and being quiet, humming “Ohm.” As a result of their Preformed notions, Most think meditation isn’t for them.  Silent meditation can be challenging because people often struggle with quieting the brain and body, especially children. Although quiet meditation is one of the many kinds of mediation, there

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