

QEEG/Brain Map

Blog How Brain Mapping for ADHD Transforms Care for Your Child

How Brain Mapping for ADHD Transforms Care for Your Child

Wondering if your child or teen has a focus problem or if their issues are developmental can be stressful and daunting when looking for answers. Sigh…  One tool that offers valuable insights for ADHD is brain mapping. QEEG brain mapping is often something my patients have never heard of until they get to my Ridgefield, CT center.  A QEEG (Quantitative

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Blog Neurodivergent Brain Test Through QEEG

Neurodivergent Brain Test: What Parents Should Know 

Every brain is unique and operates in its distinct way. That’s how you define neurodivergence. As a practicing brain and mental health specialist for over 30 years, I am deeply fascinated by the complexities of the human brain and how its diverse patterns shape our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions.  Being the expert, let me guide you into the world of

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The COVID Brain and Its Impact on Teen Mental Health

The COVID Brain and Its Impact on Teen Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on the world, transforming our daily lives in unprecedented ways. Among the most affected are our children and teens, who have faced not only the threat of a novel virus but also drastic changes to their everyday routines and social interactions. The pandemic’s overall impact on mental health, especially among the younger

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QEEG Brain Map for ADHD and Austism

Autism QEEG Brain Mapping: Revolutionizing Autism Diagnosis and Treatment

Autism QEEG brain mapping is a the first step in the diagnostic and treatment planning process when I work with those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It allows me to get a clear picture of an individual’s brain functioning and more specifically, what areas of the brain are over or under working.  The symptoms of ASD

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Why a QEEG Brain Map is an Important Diagnostic Tool

A QEEG brain map is an objective measure of brainwave activity that gives us information about the function of the brain in specific regions of the brain (e.g. the frontal lobes which are the attention center of the brain) and how the brain processes information from site to site or how it communicates. Think of brain communication as how many highways a brain has; with the more highways, the easier it is for one to pay attention, learn, and regulate. A QEEG brain map or a brain check is a critical first step in the process of beginning neurofeedback, which is a therapy that can create lasting change. A QEEG brain mapping is a science-backed tool that can help with clinical conditions such as ADHD, executive functioning, anxiety, OCD, PANS/PANDAS, Lyme, learning and processing issues, and depression. 

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Dr. Roseann with a young boy receiving neurofeedback treatment

Psychologist uses brain mapping to help patients – NewsTimes

Psychologist uses brain mapping to help patients – NewsTimes Clients come to Capanna-Hodge, an educational psychologist and neurofeedback practitioner, for help with stress and anxiety, as well as learning and attention issues … Read the article on the NewsTimes.   Dr. Roseann is a Psychologist who works with children, adults, and families from all over the US, supporting them with research-based

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Blog How Brain Mapping for ADHD Transforms Care for Your Child

How Brain Mapping for ADHD Transforms Care for Your Child

Wondering if your child or teen has a focus problem or if their issues are developmental can be stressful and daunting when looking for answers. Sigh…  One tool that offers valuable insights for ADHD is brain mapping. QEEG brain mapping is often something my patients have never heard of until they get to my Ridgefield, CT center.  A QEEG (Quantitative

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Blog Neurodivergent Brain Test Through QEEG

Neurodivergent Brain Test: What Parents Should Know 

Every brain is unique and operates in its distinct way. That’s how you define neurodivergence. As a practicing brain and mental health specialist for over 30 years, I am deeply fascinated by the complexities of the human brain and how its diverse patterns shape our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions.  Being the expert, let me guide you into the world of

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The COVID Brain and Its Impact on Teen Mental Health

The COVID Brain and Its Impact on Teen Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on the world, transforming our daily lives in unprecedented ways. Among the most affected are our children and teens, who have faced not only the threat of a novel virus but also drastic changes to their everyday routines and social interactions. The pandemic’s overall impact on mental health, especially among the younger

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QEEG Brain Map for ADHD and Austism

Autism QEEG Brain Mapping: Revolutionizing Autism Diagnosis and Treatment

Autism QEEG brain mapping is a the first step in the diagnostic and treatment planning process when I work with those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It allows me to get a clear picture of an individual’s brain functioning and more specifically, what areas of the brain are over or under working.  The symptoms of ASD

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Why a QEEG Brain Map is an Important Diagnostic Tool

A QEEG brain map is an objective measure of brainwave activity that gives us information about the function of the brain in specific regions of the brain (e.g. the frontal lobes which are the attention center of the brain) and how the brain processes information from site to site or how it communicates. Think of brain communication as how many highways a brain has; with the more highways, the easier it is for one to pay attention, learn, and regulate. A QEEG brain map or a brain check is a critical first step in the process of beginning neurofeedback, which is a therapy that can create lasting change. A QEEG brain mapping is a science-backed tool that can help with clinical conditions such as ADHD, executive functioning, anxiety, OCD, PANS/PANDAS, Lyme, learning and processing issues, and depression. 

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Dr. Roseann with a young boy receiving neurofeedback treatment

Psychologist uses brain mapping to help patients – NewsTimes

Psychologist uses brain mapping to help patients – NewsTimes Clients come to Capanna-Hodge, an educational psychologist and neurofeedback practitioner, for help with stress and anxiety, as well as learning and attention issues … Read the article on the NewsTimes.   Dr. Roseann is a Psychologist who works with children, adults, and families from all over the US, supporting them with research-based

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