Empowering Growth: Sensory Processing Disorder Occupational Therapy

Empowering Growth: Sensory Processing Disorder Occupational Therapy

Young child - sensory processing disorder
Picture of Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge

Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge

Are you thinking about getting your child into sensory processing disorder therapy?

You might be familiar with this scenario:

Lily, an 8-year-old girl with SPD, struggles during her backyard birthday party. The bright decorations, loud music, and bustling crowd quickly overwhelm her. The noisy games, strong barbecue smells, and constant activity intensify her discomfort as the party progresses. Despite her attempts to find a quiet corner, Lily's distress goes unnoticed by her busy parents and guests, leaving her isolated and anxious on her special day.

This scene highlights the often-overlooked challenges that kids with SPD have.

So now you know your kid has sensory problems, so what do you do? Here’s what I can tell you as a mental health expert with 30 years of experience: While there are no medications to treat this condition, there are therapies that can help. Although SPD is often associated with children with Autism and ADHD, not all children with SPD are on the Autism spectrum.

What is Sensory Processing?

Sensory response involves the nervous system’s reception, organization, and interpretation of information from the environment through various senses such as sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

Additionally, it encompasses experiences related to body awareness and balance. Vestibular receptors in the inner ear provide the brain with information about the body's movement, playing a crucial role in sensory management. The process begins with the reception of sensory stimuli, followed by the detection and identification of these stimuli.

Subsequently, the brain integrates information from different senses to create a cohesive and meaningful perception of the environment. The nervous system adapts and modulates its responsiveness throughout this process, ultimately generating appropriate motor responses based on the processed sensory stimuli.

Efficient sensory perceptions are essential for daily functioning, enabling individuals to respond appropriately to their surroundings. Challenges can lead to conditions such as (SPD), characterized by sensitivities in processing and integrating sensory feedback.

Individuals with SPD may exhibit hypersensitivity, hyposensitivity, or organizing sensory stimuli. An occupational therapist or a healthcare professional works with those experiencing sensory challenges to develop strategies and interventions that facilitate improved interaction with their environment and enhance overall well-being.

What is a Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)?

SPD means that your child’s brain has a hard time taking in and responding to sensory-based information. Previously called sensory integration dysfunction and also known as sensory integration disorder, it is not considered a distinct medical diagnosis, which can be difficult for parents.

Kids and teens with SPD can have developmental difficulties, such as speech delays, because their sensory conditions impact their ability to focus. However, parents should keep in mind that these sensory deficits can often be overcome with proper care and therapy.

One sign of SPD is that a child is overwhelmed and loses control in a loud or overcrowded space. While no official sensory disorder diagnosis exists, experts agree that the signs of SPD include over- and under-sensitivity to information received through the senses.

For example, a child with SPD may have trouble with loud noises or touch sensitivity or may need deep muscle pressure. Additionally, research shows that SPD is relatively common with 16 percent of 7 to 11-year-olds displaying SPD symptoms (Ben-Sasson et al., 2009).

What are Sensory Issues in Children?

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) vs Sensory Processing Issues

Sensory integration issues in kids refer to difficulties in processing and responding to sensory stimuli from the environment. Children with SPD have trouble processing sensory stimulation from the outside world. Sensory functioning involves the way the nervous system receives and interprets information from the senses, including touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. Here are the most common symptoms in children:


  • Auditory Hypersensitivity: Overreacting to sounds, becoming easily startled by noise.
  • Tactile Hypersensitivity: Avoidance of certain textures or discomfort with touch, clothing, or grooming.
  • Visual Hypersensitivity: Sensitivity to bright lights or visual stimuli.
  • Olfactory Hypersensitivity: Strong reactions to certain smells.


  • Auditory Hyposensitivity: Can't pay attention to sounds, seeking out loud environments.
  • Tactile Hyposensitivity: Insensitivity to pain, seeking out intense touch or pressure.
  • Visual Hyposensitivity: Lack of responsiveness to visual stimuli.
  • Olfactory Hyposensitivity: Reduced sensitivity to smells.

Motor Planning Issues

Difficulty with coordination, motor control, and planning affects activities such as dressing, writing, or playing. Sensory integration therapy helps children become more aware of their body movements and position in space, which is crucial for improving these skills.

Difficulty with Transitions

  • Challenges in transitioning between different sensory environments or activities.

Avoidance or Seeking Behaviors

  • Avoid certain sensory experiences or, conversely, seek out intense sensory stimuli.

Regulation Challenges

  • Difficulty self-regulating emotions and behaviors in response to sensory input.
  • Social and Behavioral Impacts: Sensory complications may contribute to challenges in social interactions, attention, and behavior.

What Causes Childhood Sensory Disorders?

The exact causes of sensory disorders are not yet fully understood, and they likely involve a combination of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors. Here are some potential causes of SPD:

  • Genetics: There may be a genetic component to SPD, as it often appears to run in families. Certain genetic factors might influence an individual's sensory abilities.
  • Neurological Factors: Differences in the way the brain processes and interprets sensory information may contribute to SPD. Structural or functional abnormalities in the central nervous system could play a role.
  • Premature Birth or Low Birth Weight: Infants born prematurely or with low birth weight might be at a higher risk for sensory challenges. The sensory systems in such infants may not have fully developed before birth.
  • Exposure to Environmental Stressors: Prenatal and perinatal factors, such as exposure to toxins, certain medications, or stress during pregnancy, may impact sensory development.
  • Complications during Birth: Complications during labor or delivery, including oxygen deprivation, may contribute to sensory challenges in some cases.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and developmental disorders, are often associated with sensory difficulties.
  • Trauma or Environmental Factors: Traumatic experiences or exposure to overwhelming sensory stimuli in early childhood may contribute to the development of sensory challenges.

How is Sensory Processing Disorder Diagnosed?

Diagnosing SPD involves a thorough and multidimensional assessment conducted by healthcare professionals, primarily an occupational therapist and developmental pediatricians. 

The process begins with a comprehensive clinical assessment, during which information about the child’s developmental and medical history, as well as current symptoms, is gathered. A crucial aspect of the evaluation is observing the child’s behavior in various environments and in response to different sensory stimuli. Parental or caregiver input is also valuable in understanding how the individual navigates sensory experiences.

Standardized assessments, such as the Sensory Processing Measure, Sensory Profile, and Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, are often employed to quantify and categorize sensory-related behaviors. 

These tools help professionals systematically evaluate each child's development and sensory abilities. Collaboration with other healthcare professionals, including pediatricians, psychologists, and speech therapists, may be necessary to rule out other potential causes for observed behaviors and gain a holistic understanding of the child’s overall development.

While SPD is not recognized as a standalone diagnosis in major diagnostic manuals, the diagnostic process is tailored to the individual's unique needs. Occupational therapy evaluations, specifically designed to assess sensory abilities, play a crucial role in diagnosing SPD. 

Occupational Therapy for SPD

Occupational therapy for sensory processing disorder (SPD) focuses on helping individuals better process and respond to sensory data from their environment. This specialized therapy aims to improve a person's ability to participate in everyday activities by addressing sensory challenges that may affect their behavior and social interactions.

Therapists use various techniques and activities tailored to the individual's sensory needs. These may include sensory integration activities, therapeutic exercises, play-based interventions, and environmental modifications. The goal is to help individuals regulate their responses to sensory data, improve motor skills, enhance attention and focus, and promote social engagement.

Occupational therapy for SPD is often a collaborative effort involving therapists, caregivers, and educators to create supportive environments and routines that accommodate sensory sensitivities. It can significantly improve quality of life by empowering individuals to navigate their world more comfortably and confidently.

How Can an Occupational Therapist Help?

An occupational therapist can play a crucial role in supporting individuals with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) through specialized interventions tailored to their sensory needs. They conduct thorough assessments to understand how individuals process sensory data and identify specific challenges. Based on these assessments, therapists develop personalized plans that often include sensory integration techniques such as swinging, tactile stimulation, and brushing protocols. These activities improve sensory abilities and help individuals regulate their responses to sensory stimuli.

In addition to clinical sessions, an occupational therapist collaborates closely with families, educators, and caregivers to create sensory-friendly environments. This involves adjusting at home, school, or work to reduce sensory triggers and enhance comfort. Therapists also focus on developing essential motor skills like coordination and balance through targeted activities. By improving these skills, individuals can better participate in daily tasks and activities with increased confidence and independence.

They also teach practical self-regulation strategies, such as therapy, that can turn into fun activities like deep pressure activities and breathing exercises. These techniques help individuals manage sensory overload and promote a sense of calmness in challenging situations. Setting achievable goals and fostering independence in daily activities can empower individuals with SPD to navigate their environments more effectively and improve their overall quality of life.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder Therapy?

Sensory integration therapy, is a specialized approach aimed at helping individuals who experience challenges in processing and responding to sensory information from their environment. Implementing a sensory integration approach throughout the day, not just during sessions, is crucial to address a child's sensory needs effectively.

As sensory disorders in children can affect how they respond to stimuli such as touch, sound, sight, taste, and smell, the goal is to help individuals develop and enhance their ability to effectively process and integrate sensory input, improving their overall daily functioning.

SPD therapy is often tailored to the individual's specific sensory needs and may include a combination of activities designed to stimulate or soothe the senses. An occupational therapist uses various techniques to help individuals gradually adapt to and organize sensory information.

It promotes better attention, self-regulation, and participation in daily activities. This type of therapy can be beneficial for individuals of all ages. Still, it is commonly employed in children with SPD challenges to support their overall development and improve their quality of life.

What are Sensory Processing Disorder Treatment?

Aside from SPD therapy, there are other treatments available for SPD. This disorder often involves a multidisciplinary approach tailored to the child’s specific sensory challenges. An occupational therapist specializing in treating children with sensory problems, which may be linked to learning or language disorders, can help. Here are your care options:

1. Occupational Therapy 

The goal of occupational therapy for sensory disorders in children is to develop appropriate body responses to sensations in an active, meaningful, and engaging way so the child can learn how to act more functionally at home and school. Sensory integration therapy can also be conducted by a physical therapist.

Occupational therapy for SPD may include activities to regulate sensory feedback, improve coordination, and develop coping strategies. Interventions may also involve the skilled use of sensory and motor therapy activities and equipment and engagement in activities that provide increased proprioceptive sense, movement opportunities, and tactile defensiveness treatment. Some specialized occupational therapists can help you administer care and treatment.

2. Sensory Diet

A plan to support sensory needs is called a “sensory diet.” This group of activities is scheduled explicitly into a child’s day, both at home and school, to support attention and adaptive responses. It can be very useful in helping a child be alert and follow through with learning activities

Specific to each child’s sensory needs, the activities are chosen based on what type of input they need. The use of specific types of input; proprioceptive, tactile, visual auditory, vestibular, gustatory, and oral motor are introduced during various times of the day and assist the brain in regulating attention and foster an appropriate level of arousal. 

3. Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral interventions can be beneficial in addressing specific behaviors related to sensory challenges. This may involve reinforcement techniques and behavior modification strategies (Senkow, 2018). 

Psychologists can offer clinical counseling for the child and parent coaching, as well as psychoeducation around SPD and sensory needs. SPD in children is characterized by having difficulty with regulating emotions, which can impact all facets of a child’s life including learning and social functioning. 

4. Parent and Caregiver Education

Educating parents and caregivers about SPD challenges helps create a supportive environment. Understanding the individual's sensory needs and implementing strategies at home can enhance the effectiveness of treatment.

Accommodations and adaptations in school may involve a daily routine with a menu of individualized, supportive sensory strategies, identified physical activities, and materials. This allows the child to appropriately use their senses to take in and organize sensory information for success in everyday activities. 

5. Environmental Modifications

Adjusting the individual's surroundings to be more sensory-friendly can contribute to treatment success. This may include changes in lighting, sound levels or the introduction of therapies specific to regulating sensory tools.

6. Social Skills Training

Social skills training can assist individuals with SPD in navigating social interactions and relationships, and addressing challenges that may arise due to sensory problems. A psychologist can guide kids by teaching them how to cope, self-regulate, and use strategies that are key to positively managing their sensory disorder symptoms. Parents are a big part of that because they need the tools to coach their kids with SPD.

7. Counseling and Psychosocial Support

Individuals with SPD and their families may benefit from counseling or psychosocial support to address the emotional and social aspects of living with sensory challenges. Psychologists can provide psychoeducation along with social, behavioral, emotional, and sensory support. 

What Services Can Schools Provide for Sensory Processing Disorder?

Many children with SPD receive occupational therapy at school and also have accommodations to support their sensory needs within the classroom.  A plan to support sensory needs or a sensory diet is often implemented at school so a child can learn to process sensory information more adequately to get a more functional response. Depending on what type of sensory input they need, the plan's foundation comes with common classroom accommodations

Proprioceptive Input: 

  • Carrying a weighted bookbag or books to the office and back 
  • Moving heavy items
  • Wall push-ups
  • Seated push-ups
  • Weighted lap pad for sit-down activities 
  • Stacking chairs
  • Big self-bear hugs activities
  • Jumping jacks
  • Running in place

Oral Motor Input:

  • Chewy, crunchy foods to alert and increase attention (raw fruits and vegetables, licorice, gummy snacks, pretzel rods, gum, etc.)
  • Food with intense flavors (extremely sour) 
  • Whistles, blowing activities (blowing cotton balls across a paper, blowing bubbles) 
  • Provide things to chew on
  • Sucking (use of straw water bottle)

Tactile Input: 

  • Provide accessible touch sensory activities (play in tubs of rice, beans, macaroni, use shaving cream, messy art)
  • Water activities
  • Practice letters and words in shaving cream 

Vestibular Input:

  • Swinging
  • Head shoulders knees and toes songs
  • Yoga

How to Fix Sensory Issues at Home

The best thing you can do for a child with sensory problems at home is to be proactive and avoid triggers. Ask your OT for a home-based sensory diet plan and try to follow it. Supporting your child as young as possible can help the CNS mature and deal with sensory impairment in a more appropriate manner, which means a happier, healthier child and family

Suggestions for supporting a child with SPD at home:

  • Create a sensory area at home (e.g., trampoline, weighted blankets, obstacle course, etc)
  • Engage in sensory calming activities before stimulating or difficult tasks or activities (e.g., sensory toys for SPD)
  • Create a calm area for emotional times (think of an area to chill out not punish)
  • Reduce lighting and noise
  • Reducing visual clutter
  • Have clear-cut expectations
  • Provide a visual schedule
  • Alert to schedule changes
  • Use visual aids
  • Break down tasks and instructions
  • Stick to routine
  • Streamline getting dressed and mealtimes
  • Be consistent
  • Think and plan for difficult activities or times of day
  • Role play out social activities to model behavior
  • Be a “parent whisperer” by being nearby and offering support in social situations.
  • Explicitly teach emotional words and calming strategies

Sensory processing issues in kids can improve when given the right support through these tips on how to provide SPD therapy at home. Creating the right program and being consistent and calm can go a long way to helping your child achieve sensory health and wellness

If you think your child might have SPD, contact a doctor. Early intervention and care can help alleviate the sensory disorder and SPD anxiety that they have to deal with on a daily basis. Addressing sensory overload in kids is much easier than treating SPD in teens.

What is sensory integration therapy?

Sensory integration therapy, or sensory integration intervention, is a specialized therapeutic approach designed to help individuals with sensory difficulties. It aims to improve the way the brain processes and responds to sensory data from the environment.

The core principle of sensory integration therapy is based on the idea that individuals can learn to adapt to sensory stimuli more effectively through specific therapeutic activities and experiences. These activities are carefully structured to provide sensory stimulation in a controlled, repetitive manner. The goal is to help the brain to respond more appropriately to sensory feedbacks over time.

Is ADHD a sensory disorder?

ADHD is not classified as a sensory disorder, but diagnosed children may experience sensory problems with ADHD. The SPD signs and symptoms associated with ADHD can include hypersensitivity, hyposensitivity, and difficulty with transitions between different sensory environments. 

Can sensory response issues be a symptom of ADHD?

Rather than being a mere symptom, sensory response issues in ADHD represent a nuanced interplay between attention, hyperactivity, and sensory functioning. These unique responses to sensory stimuli can contribute to the complexity of ADHD, impacting how individuals perceive and engage with their surroundings.

Does ADHD cause sensory problems?

Sensory response and ADHD are interconnected, but ADHD itself is not a direct cause of sensory dysfunction, even if children with ADHD may commonly experience sensory processing issues. While these sensory challenges are not inherent symptoms of ADHD, they often co-occur, contributing to the complexity of an individual's sensory experiences and potentially impacting their daily lives.

Is Sensory Processing Disorder autism?

No, while sensory challenges are often observed in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, SPD is a distinct condition. While it commonly coexists with ASD, these are two distinct conditions. Both conditions share some overlapping features, particularly related to sensory, but autism spectrum disorder is a separate diagnosis with unique characteristics and criteria. While sensory disorder are commonly can be an associated symptom, they can also occur independently.

What does it mean to have sensory issues?

Having child sensory issues means experiencing a unique and personalized relationship with the world of sensory stimuli. It involves perceiving and responding to sensations in ways that might differ from the norm, impacting various aspects of daily life. Children with sensory issues may find certain sensory data overwhelming or, conversely, seek out specific stimuli for comfort, influencing how they navigate and interact with their environment.

What are the signs of SPD?

SPD signs encompass hypersensitivity, hyposensitivity, motor skill challenges, and difficulties with transitions, often leading to avoidance or seeking behaviors. Social and behavioral impacts, ritualistic behaviors, unusual responses to pain or temperature, and food sensitivities are also common indicators. 

What are sensory issues in toddlers?

Toddlers with sensory issues act with distinctive responses to sensory stimuli, shaping their early interactions with the world. These issues can be observed in behaviors like extreme texture disorder, aversions to specific smells or sounds, or a heightened need for sensory cues.

How to deal with sensory issues?

Effectively managing physical sensory issues involves tailoring strategies to your unique responses to stimuli. This may include creating a sensory-friendly environment, developing routines for predictability, and incorporating sensory tools like deep pressure techniques or breathing exercises. 

How do you treat sensory processing disorder?

The treatment for Sensory Processing Disorder in children involves a personalized, multidisciplinary approach, commonly including Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration Therapy, and the development of a sensory diet. Behavioral therapy, parent education, environmental modifications, and social skills training are essential components, aiming to address specific behaviors and create supportive environments. 

Does sensory processing disorder go away?

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is generally considered a lifelong condition, but its impact can be managed and reduced with appropriate interventions. Many individuals with SPD, especially when identified and addressed early, can develop effective coping strategies and adaptive mechanisms, allowing them to navigate sensory challenges more successfully as they age. 

What are sensory difficulties commonly seen in children?

Sensory difficulties encompass a spectrum of challenges in processing and responding to stimuli, ranging from hypersensitivity to motor skill difficulties. Individuals may exhibit avoidance or seeking behaviors, impacting their daily routines and social interactions. Addressing sensory difficulties requires personalized interventions and strategies, recognizing the diverse ways individuals navigate their unique sensory experiences

How to help a child with sensory processing disorder?

Addressing sensory processing disorder in kids involves consulting with professionals, creating a sensory-friendly environment, and establishing predictable routines. Providing sensory breaks, using visual supports, and incorporating sensory tools can help the child regulate their sensory experiences. Open communication, education of caregivers and peers, and celebrating successes contribute to a comprehensive and supportive approach tailored to the child's unique needs.

How to treat sensory processing disorder?

Sensory Processing Disorder is a condition where children experience challenges in processing and responding to sensory stimuli. It's important to note that there is no sensory processing disorder cure, as it is typically considered a lifelong neurological condition. However, various therapeutic approaches and interventions aim to manage and alleviate the challenges associated with sensory difficulties.


Ben-Sasson, A., Hen, L., Fluss, R., Cermak, S. A., Engel-Yeger, B., & Gal, E. (2009). A Meta-Analysis of Sensory Modulation Symptoms in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-008-0593-3

Senkow, A. (2018, May 11). Unlocking Behavior: Interventions for Children with Sensory Processing Disorders. Scholarworks.calstate.edu. https://scholarworks.calstate.edu/concern/theses/sx61dm58m

Dr. Roseann is a mental health expert in mental health who frequently is in the media:

Always remember… “Calm Brain, Happy Family™”

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to give health advice and it is recommended to consult with a physician before beginning any new wellness regime. *The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment vary by patient and condition. Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge, LLC does not guarantee certain results.

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Dr. Roseann is a Children’s Mental Health Expert and Licensed Therapist who has been featured in/on hundreds of media outlets including The Mel Robbins Show, CBS, NBC, PIX11 NYC, Today, FORBES, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Business Insider, Women’s Day, Healthline, CNET, Parade Magazine and PARENTS. FORBES called her, “A thought leader in children’s mental health.

Dr. Roseann - Brain Behavior Reset Parent Toolkit

She coined the terms, “Re-entry panic syndrome” and “eco-anxiety” and is a frequent contributor to media on mental health. 

Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge has three decades of experience in working with children, teens and their families with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, concussion, dyslexia and learning disability, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), depression and mood disorder, Lyme Disease, and PANS/PANDAS using science-backed natural mental health solutions such as supplements, magnesium, nutrition, QEEG Brain maps, neurofeedback, PEMF, psychotherapy and other non-medication approaches. 

She is the author of three bestselling books, It’s Gonna Be OK!: Proven Ways to Improve Your Child's Mental Health, The Teletherapy Toolkit, and Brain Under Attack. Dr. Roseann is known for offering a message of hope through science-endorsed methods that promote a calm brain. 

Her trademarked BrainBehaviorResetⓇ Program and It’s Gonna be OK!Ⓡ Podcast has been a cornerstone for thousands of parents facing mental health, behavioral or neurodevelopmental challenges.

She is the founder and director of The Global Institute of Children’s Mental Health, Neurotastic™Brain Formulas and Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge, LLC. Dr. Roseann is a Board Certified Neurofeedback (BCN) Practitioner, a Board Member of the Northeast Region Biofeedback Society (NRBS), Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP) and an Amen Clinic Certified Brain Health Coach.  She is also a member of The International Lyme Disease and Associated Disease Society (ILADS), The American Psychological Association (APA), Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), International OCD Foundation (IOCDF).

© Roseann-Capanna-Hodge, LLC 2024

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