Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge

Blog How Brain Mapping for ADHD Transforms Care for Your Child

How Brain Mapping for ADHD Transforms Care for Your Child

Wondering if your child or teen has a focus problem or if their issues are developmental can be stressful and daunting when looking for answers. Sigh…  One tool that offers valuable insights for ADHD is brain mapping. QEEG brain mapping is often something my patients have never heard of until they get to my Ridgefield,

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Unlock Your Child's Potential with Brainwave Therapy

Unlock Your Child’s Potential with Brainwave Therapy

Watching our children struggle behaviorally with mental health conditions such as anxiety, OCD or depression can be heart-wrenching. You want to help them in the most effective and natural ways possible but are unsure of the path. One powerful approach is brainwave therapy, specifically neurofeedback. This method, which I have used for two decades, is

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Neurofeedback Training Helping Your Child Achieve Mental Health

Neurofeedback Training: Helping Your Child Achieve Mental Health

With the rise of behavioral and mental health conditions among children and teens, it’s crucial to explore effective treatments that are also safe and natural. Neurofeedback is a well researched  method for self-regulation and improving mental well-being.  But what is neurofeedback training, and how can it help children and teens struggling with mental health and

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EFT Therapy

What is EFT Tapping Therapy?

Although most people refer to the non-clinical term “tapping,” therapists focus on the term “Emotional Freedom Technique” because the research and technique have a precise meaning. EFT is a tool used for physical, emotional and performance issues. EFT operates on the premise that no matter what part of your life needs improvement, unresolved issues are in the way. Any kind of emotional stress can impede the human body’s ability to heal itself.

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Activities that Relieve Psychological Stress

Activities that Relieve Psychological Stress in PANS/PANDAS

Psychological stress significantly impacts families dealing with Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections (PANDAS).  As a PANS parent and a therapist who has helped many children and families, no one really can understand the stress, trauma and hell a PANS family goes through. The trauma, the fear,

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Top 30 Interventions for Learning Disabilities for Children and Teens

Top 30 Interventions for Learning Disabilities for Children and Teens

Are you feeling overwhelmed by navigating the world of learning disabilities for your child?  Well, you aren’t alone. As a psychologist and mom of two neurodivergent children with Dyslexia, I know just how hard it can be to find the right path to help.  Whether it’s dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, or another form of neurodivergence, understanding

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Dealing with ADHD Without Drugs What is the Safest ADHD Medication

Dealing with ADHD Without Drugs: What is the Safest ADHD Medication?

When it comes to addressing ADHD in children and teens, the parents I work with in my clinic or Self Regulation Blueprint and CALM Brain Community, often find themselves at a crossroads, balancing the benefits of medication with potential ADHD medication side effects.  While pharmaceuticals like Adderall are commonly prescribed, they may not be the

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Neuroinflammation Natural Treatment Psychotherapy Methods that Help

Neuroinflammation Natural Treatment: Psychotherapy Methods that Help

Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) can be incredibly challenging for both children and their families.  As a PANS parent and having helped thousands of children and adults affected by neuroinflammation, creating a lifestyle that counters inflammation in the brain and body is key for mental

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Unlock Your Child's Potential with Brainwave Therapy

Unlock Your Child’s Potential with Brainwave Therapy

Watching our children struggle behaviorally with mental health conditions such as anxiety, OCD or depression can be heart-wrenching. You want to help them in the most effective and natural ways possible but are unsure of the path. One powerful approach is brainwave therapy, specifically neurofeedback. This method, which I have

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Neurofeedback Training Helping Your Child Achieve Mental Health

Neurofeedback Training: Helping Your Child Achieve Mental Health

With the rise of behavioral and mental health conditions among children and teens, it’s crucial to explore effective treatments that are also safe and natural. Neurofeedback is a well researched  method for self-regulation and improving mental well-being.  But what is neurofeedback training, and how can it help children and teens

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EFT Therapy

What is EFT Tapping Therapy?

Although most people refer to the non-clinical term “tapping,” therapists focus on the term “Emotional Freedom Technique” because the research and technique have a precise meaning. EFT is a tool used for physical, emotional and performance issues. EFT operates on the premise that no matter what part of your life needs improvement, unresolved issues are in the way. Any kind of emotional stress can impede the human body’s ability to heal itself.

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Activities that Relieve Psychological Stress

Activities that Relieve Psychological Stress in PANS/PANDAS

Psychological stress significantly impacts families dealing with Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections (PANDAS).  As a PANS parent and a therapist who has helped many children and families, no one really can understand the stress, trauma and hell a PANS family goes

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Neuroinflammation Natural Treatment Psychotherapy Methods that Help

Neuroinflammation Natural Treatment: Psychotherapy Methods that Help

Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) can be incredibly challenging for both children and their families.  As a PANS parent and having helped thousands of children and adults affected by neuroinflammation, creating a lifestyle that counters inflammation in the brain and

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