Somatic Therapy
Somatic Therapy is a body oriented therapy where the main goal is the recognition and release of physical tension that may remain in the body in the aftermath of a stressful or traumatic event or that results from chronic long-term stress or anxiety. The therapy sessions typically involve the patient tracking his or her experience of sensations throughout the body. Somatic psychotherapy is very different from talk therapy because this bottoms up approach focuses on connecting to body sensations before deeper cognitive behavioral work can be achieved. Somatic therapy works at the deepest levels of the nervous system helping to reset it so a person doesn't have to be so activated and do the therapeutic work necessary to release stress, anxiety, pain or trauma. Somatic approach therapy sessions help clients become aware and learn to tolerate physical sensations including an awareness of bodily sensations that cue one to become aware and in control instead of activated. Sessions work on creating a window of tolerance through breathing techniques, voice work, physical exercise, and movement.* This type of therapy can offer a variety of benefits that calm the nervous system, helping reframe and transform current or past negative experiences. It also reduces discomfort, strain, and stress, while developing a heightened ability to concentrate.*
“When I understood where stress was housed in my body, I was able to make changes to reduce pain and stress. I was holding stress and just didn't realize it until I learned how to release it. I feel like a new person.”*
– From an adult who experienced chronic stress.
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*The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment vary by patient and condition. Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge & Associates does not guarantee certain results.