Is it ADHD or something else?

29: How Neurofeedback Helps Executive Functioning and Attention

It doesn’t matter how intelligent your kid is. Reinforcement is important. What we can do to accelerate the process of helping our kids have better impulse control, cognitive flexibility, and stress tolerance, however, is by undergoing neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback jacks up the brain to an Einstein level. That's why many people get shocked when they learn how much of a game-changer neurofeedback is, especially in improving one's executive functioning and attention.

Let's help your kids get things done and be more organized through the help of neurofeedback. It is a reminder that your kids are not lazy or hopeless and are not doing things on purpose.

Let's dive into the discussion and ensure your kids will be more attentive and focused with better and higher stress tolerance.

Start with the result, work backward, and teach the skills

The biggest takeaway in being able to help our kids is for us to start with the result, work backward, and teach the skills. But to do that, we must have the patience and persistence to help us get through the tough challenges.

Make sure to focus on the micro steps. After all, progress is progress, no matter how small. It will be a long journey, but change doesn't happen overnight. Just trust the process. In this case, the process is our BrainBehaviorResetTM (BBR) Program.

When we work one-on-one with someone, we walk them up from the base camp to the summit. You don't get to jump through the base camp. It's not how life works. The brain needs reinforcement. 

It doesn't matter how intelligent your kid is. Reinforcement is important. What we can do to accelerate the process of helping our kids have better impulse control, cognitive flexibility, and stress tolerance, however, is by undergoing neurofeedback.

What can we do to enhance the brains of these kids?

Nowadays, the percentage of kids experiencing mental health issues is alarming. It has been heightened, especially during the pandemic, where kids have ADHD, OCD, anxiety, PANS, PANDAS, and more.

Some kids find controlling their impulses and staying focused and motivated challenging. As a result, they have executive functioning issues. Some kids experience the same thing alongside another mental health issue, while some have executive function disorder as a standalone. 

We must focus on the structures and communication areas to enhance our kids' brains. It is where neurofeedback comes into the picture. Our previous podcast episodes mentioned how neurofeedback is a safe and effective tool, as evidenced by thousands of research and peer-reviewed studies for years.

What neurofeedback does is it takes in ADD in executive functioning. Most of the time, we will have under-stimulated communication, so the brain performance isn't reaching the expected level. 

Instead, it shifts the brain from being unfocused to focused. Generally, what you see is the brain's communication areas underperforming. We call them “Waze brains” since they don't use the highway and send them off to go on the back roads. 

These kids' brains do not function as efficiently for many reasons. It may be because of genetics or birth trauma. It may be stress or a poor diet. The list goes on.

Neurofeedback is like balancing the wheels of a car

To jack up the brain, we need a lot of nutrients. Another solution to get the brain working more smoothly is having neurofeedback, which is similar to balancing the wheels of a car. Everything goes from the dysregulation and under or overstimulation to getting them to work correctly.

Like balancing a car, you'll see kids in calmer behavior and less stressed because they can see the results and solutions, which is a big problem for kids with executive functioning issues. But, unfortunately, they tend to need more ability to see the end results.

Kids with executive functioning issues find it difficult to manage problems, but with the help of neurofeedback, stress is mitigated, and they get to face their problems and know what they need to do about them. 

What is neurofeedback, and how does it work?

We've mentioned that we must focus on the structure and communication areas of the brain. So, we must resolve issues with processing and retaining information, stress management, and more.

Neurofeedback helps regulate the structures to make the frontal lobe work at an optimal and healthy condition which is what we're aiming for since that's precisely where attention and executive function are managed.

The starting point in neurofeedback is the brain check or a QEEG for data assessment. After that, I create care plans for people that include not just neurofeedback but many things. In neurofeedback sessions, the patient gets hooked to a computer, which measures brain activity and provides reinforcement.

Through neurofeedback and QEEG, we get to directly manipulate specific areas in the brain and control them at such a high level. When we accomplish that, the brain receives reinforcement, which results in the healthy production of neurotransmitters. You can also change the grey matter in the brain through neurofeedback.

How long does the neurofeedback treatment last?

Improvements take time, but it will all be worth the wait in the long run. Neurofeedback is not just a few sessions. Typically, 40 sessions are suggested, done twice or thrice a week.

Like working out, we have to build muscle, and in the case of executive functioning and attention, it's different for every other symptom or clinical issue. We have to work on getting the brain to be more alert.

We must also learn how to have better impulse control and working memory. It is only possible if we reinforce the brain, most notably through neurofeedback which has been proven effective to kids of all ages, even those as young as three and a half up to seniors in their 80s.

Remember that you can change your kids and your family and improve their executive functioning skills and attention. And if you want to ramp up their success, consider neurofeedback.

Links and Resources:

Is your child struggling with attention and executive functioning skills? Learn how to get your kid to listen and finish tasks in 30 days without the constant nagging and fighting. Get the Dr. Roseann's Parenting Toolkit for only $47 today!

Brain Behavior Parenting Toolkit

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➡️ Get help from Dr. Roseann and her team. Apply here. 

➡️ “Is it ADHD or something else?” Take the quiz. 

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