What’s the #1 burning question about your child’s behavior that keeps you up at night?

110: Autism Myths

This episode is important for parents as debunking these myths are crucial for accurate diagnosis and intervention.

Many widespread myths and misconceptions about autism prevent kids from getting proper diagnosis which means that they are also not getting the right help. Certainly, the effects of these myths spread across the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum and their families, influencing how they are perceived, how they interact with others, and also affecting their overall quality of life.

By debunking these myths, we create an environment where individuals with autism can be understood and embraced for who they are, fostering a more inclusive society. That is why this episode is important for parents as debunking these myths are crucial for accurate diagnosis and intervention.

Myth about only boys having autism.

One of the most common myths about autism is that only boys are suffering from autism. There are indeed many boys who have autism but that does not mean that they are the only ones who are diagnosed with it. Boys are easily diagnosed considering that they tend to have coordination issues.

While it is true that a notable number of boys are diagnosed with autism, this myth perpetuates an inaccurate and limited understanding of the disorder's prevalence. Autism knows no gender boundaries. We must broaden our understanding of autism and challenge gender stereotypes associated with it.

Is autism just a childhood condition?

There is a misconception about the period of autism and whether or not it is just a childhood condition. Autism does not end in childhood and is rather a lifelong condition. The brain of an autistic just sees things differently and it doesn't end.

Autism isn't something one simply outgrows. Recognizing autism as a lifelong condition is crucial for promoting inclusiveness, offering suitable assistance, and guaranteeing the well-being and success of individuals on the autism spectrum.

People with autism don’t feel emotions.

We often hear others say that people with autism don’t feel emotions but that is not true despite the fact that they may not show the same range of emotions because their interpretation of them is different.

They don’t really perceive situations the same way that we do. As such, they’re not going to react in a way that we expect them to. For example, an autistic individual might experience sensory overload, where external stimuli become overwhelming, affecting their ability to process emotions effectively.

Gastrointestinal issues are not common.

Another big myth that I encounter a lot is that gastrointestinal issues aren't common for those with autism. In fact, that is one of the most common things we see.

When the American Academy of Pediatrics updated all the guidelines after 12 years of not updating them, the rates of autism went through the roof and they finally admitted that this issue is very common.

As for my experiences so far, I have never had an autistic that doesn't have gastrointestinal issues in their history. Studies have shown that individuals with autism are more likely to experience a range of gastrointestinal issues, including constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and food sensitivities.

People with autism can't make eye contact.

There are people who think that if you don't make eye contact, you have autism. Some kids with autism do make eye contact but it is more common not to make eye contact.

Other kids with sensory processing also don't make eye contact a lot. And as we know, many kids with autism have sensory processing but many kids with sensory processing don’t have autism.

It's important to recognize that eye contact is just one of the many elements within a wide spectrum of behaviors. While some individuals with autism may exhibit challenges with making direct eye contact, others may engage in it naturally, and the reasons behind these behaviors can vary.

Autism results from bad parenting.

Autism results from bad parenting. Although this is such an outdated myth, many people still believe this. We have to keep in mind that autism is not a result of bad parenting.

Decades of research studies have shown that autism spectrum disorder has a strong genetic component, with a variety of genetic and environmental factors contributing to its emergence. Consequently, parenting styles do not play a role in the development of autism.

Autism is a disease, not a contagion.

The sad truth is that some people think that autism is a contagion but it actually is not. This undoubtedly stems from a lack of understanding about the nature of autism and perpetuates unfounded fears.

We have to continue raising awareness that autism is not a contagious condition; it cannot be transmitted from person to person through physical contact, proximity, or any other means.

There is no medication for autism.

What I don’t understand is why we are just medicating our kids with autism when in fact, there is no medication for autism or at least, there's not one that's approved. And yet, so many kids are medicated.

What I could recommend, however, is to look at your genetic profile. Doing so will show you a good assessment of your mitochondrial issues, detoxification and more. It is basically a whole profile telling you which supplements you should have and shouldn’t have.

I work with a lot of people dealing with autism who also have PANS and PANDAS at the same time. That is why it is safe to conclude that there are many things that can be done when you have autism that can support the body in healing itself.

You can address gastrointestinal issues, detoxification issues and more. For mental health issues like anxiety and depression, we use our Calm PEMF device which has done wonders especially for our autistics to help regulate their nervous system and support detoxification.

Magnesium also helps in boosting mental health. So make sure to stay connected and be among the first to access our upcoming supplement line. We're committed to providing you with products that support your holistic health journey. Don't miss out and secure your spot on the waitlist today!

Social skills training is equally important for people dealing with autism. In relation to this, it’s best to calm the brain which is why we have to provide behavioral support to our kids. This is one of the greatest failures that I usually notice – nobody tells parents to keep the social skills support.

If you want to get the proper help, you may reach out to us for diagnostic support.

To learn further about autism, you can read my blog posts on autism myths Teen Autism Myths and Everything You Need To Know and neurofeedback for autism.

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Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge: Revolutionizing Children’s Mental Health

Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge’s podcast, It’s Gonna be OK!™: Science-Backed Solutions for Children’s Behavior and Mental Health, is in the top 2% globally. The podcast empowers parents with natural, science-backed solutions to improve children’s self-regulation and calm their brains. Each episode delivers expert advice and practical strategies, making it indispensable for parents of neurodivergent children or those with behavioral or mental health challenges.

Dr. Roseann, founder of The Global Institute of Children’s Mental Health and Dr. Roseann, LLC, created the Neurotastic™ Brain Formulas and BrainBehaviorReset® method. With her extensive experience, she provides families with hope and effective strategies to manage conditions like ADHD, anxiety, OCD, and PANS/PANDAS. 

Forbes has called her “A thought leader in children’s mental health,” highlighting her revolutionary impact on mental health education and treatment. Through her podcast and innovative methods, Dr. Roseann continues to transform how we approach, treat and understand children’s mental health.

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