Is it ADHD or something else?

85: How to diagnose PANS/PANDAS

Keep in mind that when you have the right information and the right diagnosis, you can get the right treatment. So make sure to stick with me as we get to the root causes of what’s driving your kids’ behaviors and as we shed light on how to diagnose PANS/PANDAS.

Keep in mind that when you have the right information and the right diagnosis, you can get the right treatment. So make sure to stick with me as we get to the root causes of what’s driving your kids’ behaviors and as we shed light on how to diagnose PANS/PANDAS.

Diagnosis and treatment of PANS/PANDAS and autoimmune encephalopathy.

I frequently get asked about three conditions – PANS/PANDAS and autoimmune encephalopathy. These conditions result from a misdirected immune response where the body attacks itself and produces inflammation.

For PANS/PANDAS, there is a sudden onset or an acceleration of a preexisting condition. Symptoms include obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) behaviors, rage, and even bedwetting. On the other hand, autoimmune encephalopathy can result from the same issues. Infection triggers toxins like it can in PANS/PANDAS. A strep infection comes in a slower onset; it can be waxing and waning.

As regards how these conditions are diagnosed, it must be noted that there is no single test. You have to actually know what the clinical criteria is and rule it out or rule in it, then you have to review the symptoms and the history.

What we do is we provide brain maps while bloodwork helps us rule out other conditions. In line with this, we also conduct a Brain Behavior Reset Program that has been significantly improving many of our clients’ conditions.

Sometimes, these conditions are already existing but we just missed the signs. And so, what you should do is to look for sudden changes in the behavior of your child because infectious diseases and toxins can really exacerbate what is already there. That is also why it’s important for doctors or mental health professionals to know the history of the patient. We have to review the symptoms and know and evaluate the criteria.

Giving care to the people.

Another step in the diagnostic process for PANS/PANDAS is to give care to the people. We’re able to provide the proper care to our clients as we work with them one-on-one.

Parents often ask when their child is going to get better but the truth is that there is no single period or timeline for recovery. We have to remember that every brain is unique and every family is unique. Hence, recovery depends on many factors and its period varies.

For more information, you can read these blog posts on How to Diagnose PANS and PANDAS ( and Basic Blood Tests for PANS and PANDAS (

Links and Resources:

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➡️ Get help from Dr. Roseann and her team. Apply here. 

➡️ “Is it ADHD or something else?” Take the quiz. 

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