Is it ADHD or something else?

43: How Gut Health Impacts Your Mental Health

People should know that there’s a correlation between the microbiome and neurotransmitters. Research shows that the microbiome can improve neurotransmitter functioning and overall brain health.

People should know that there's a correlation between the microbiome and neurotransmitters. Research shows that the microbiome can improve neurotransmitter functioning and overall brain health.

There are many reasons why our gut is essential. It helps us in digestion and lowers the risks of various illnesses. But more than that, it helps signal the brain that something's going on, considering that the brain and the gastrointestinal system are connected.

And that's what we will discuss – the connection between your gut and mental health.

Why do you not know that what you put in your mouth affects your mental health?

For some reason, the relationship between mental health and gut health is not discussed much despite having conversations about mental health, neurotransmitters, and serotonin made in the gut.

It's mainly because pharmaceutical companies control much of what shows on Google. In addition, social media platforms like Facebook and others are being paid to post advertisements, so you're not getting the information you need.

It's also why you're here since we're all about natural solutions and helping kids' brains work and develop better without toxic chemicals. A child rarely needs psychiatric medication, and 70% of the time, drugs are used off-label without research studies to back their effectiveness.

Replenishing bacteria is very important

We're always going to have harmful bacteria, even when we are taking care of our gut. However, there are instances when the bacteria become imbalanced, and there are many reasons for this.

Chronic stress is one of the significant factors that cause the imbalance. Even COVID-19 can get in there because of chronic stress. So, watch out for a probiotic for the brain that we'll be releasing – a psychobiotic – which will help address mood, anxiety and focus all in one.

Replenishing bacteria is essential when we have kids with mental health issues who are very stressed. We can do that with direct supplementation and through eating various foods.

We need a diversity of food to populate the gut

There's nothing wrong with sticking to a diet prescribed by your dietitian or a diet style you chose on your own. However, we shouldn't just stick to one staple of food because when we eat a variety of foods, we have healthy fats and a lot of essential fiber.

We all need diverse food to populate the gut to counter stress, toxins, and everything else that hinders our brain from working in its prime condition.

The importance of gut health in mental health

Gut and the lack of bacteria can impact things like anxiety and depression because we are not creating enough serotonin, which is vital in balancing your kid's mood and healthy digestion.

Despite pharmaceutical companies wanting us to believe that every neurotransmitter problem is a genetic neurotransmitter problem, there are many reasons why we’re having issues with our neurotransmitter functioning.

Proper gut health is just one way to improve neurotransmitter functioning. As backed by research studies, neurotransmitters can increase through diet. It can also increase through stress reduction and mindfulness-based activities. It’s why having a healthy and sustainable lifestyle is important.

No matter where you are in your journey, we have resources to help you:

Links and Resources:

➡️ Join our FREE Natural Parenting Community to receive science-backed resources for your child and family. Join here.

➡️ Get help from Dr. Roseann and her team. Apply here. 

➡️ “Is it ADHD or something else?” Take the quiz. 

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