Is it ADHD or something else?

172: Belief vs. Skepticism: Navigating Doubts About Behavioral and Mental Health Solutions

Join us as we unravel the complexities of mental health solutions, dispelling misconceptions and offering guidance for informed decisions. Let’s empower well-being together!

There are many doubts as regards behavioral and mental health solutions, influenced by various factors such as misconceptions and conflicting information. Individuals often find themselves uncertain about the efficacy of different treatment options, unsure of where to turn for help amidst a sea of available choices.

In today’s episode, we’ll talk more about the challenges of navigating these doubts and explore strategies to help individuals make informed decisions on their journey towards improved mental and emotional well-being.

Managing doubts in mental health treatment.

Mental health treatments often encounter setbacks, leading many to turn to medications. However, it's essential to recognize that most psychiatric medications are off-label for children. While I don't oppose psychiatric medication entirely, I firmly believe it shouldn't be the first line of defense considering that there are still clinically valid therapies beyond medication, yet they often go unnoticed due to a lack of awareness and training among providers.

I've spent time researching and found that things like eating well, taking certain vitamins, and using neurofeedback can be really helpful for mental health. Even though there's scientific evidence backing these methods, they're not talked about much in regular mental health conversations. People are starting to learn more about them, but it's still not common knowledge.

It is indeed challenging navigating doubts as it involves trusting one's instincts and being open to exploring different treatment paths. Ultimately, what matters are results. If traditional methods aren't yielding progress, it's important to consider alternatives that might offer more effective solutions.

Valid concerns should always be addressed, but it's equally important to challenge myths and misconceptions. And while change can be gradual, it's essential to recognize that these approaches often address the root causes of mental health issues rather than merely managing symptoms.

It's important to trust the process and the advice of qualified and trusted providers. We should respect and be open to trying different therapies that might seem unusual but have evidence supporting them. This way, we can learn more about mental health and offer better care to those who need it.

Navigating Doubts About Behavioral and Mental Health Solutions

In my experience, when you focus on preparing the body and calming the nervous system, therapies like certain forms of psychotherapy or behavioral work can show quicker results than psychiatric medication. While I'm not your typical provider, I advocate for researching and learning about natural therapies.

Self-regulation is crucial in today's stressful world, and in an upcoming webinar, we'll delve into natural therapies and science-backed solutions to support mental wellness. Nutrition also plays a significant role along with specific nutrients like magnesium and vitamin D. Brain-based tools such as neurofeedback and biofeedback are likewise effective in creating lasting changes in the brain.

 It's eye-opening to see how prescribed medications can have adverse effects, especially on children with conditions like PANS and PANDAS. These conditions, triggered by infections or toxins, can lead to severe symptoms, often misdiagnosed as psychiatric issues. Many medications, including commonly prescribed SSRIs and stimulants come with significant risks and side effects. Despite this, they're often prescribed without much consideration, while alternative therapies like neurofeedback are met with skepticism.

The prevalence of this trend is concerning, especially considering the potential toxic effects of psychiatric medications, particularly for children with PANS and PANDAS. Despite the challenges, support and guidance from professionals can make a significant difference in navigating the complexities of finding behavioral and mental health solutions.

Natural therapies for mental health with a focus on empowerment and informed decision-making.

It's important to recognize that effective treatments, including natural therapies, require time and commitment. While it might be tempting to seek quick fixes or immediate results, the reality is that meaningful progress often requires patience and persistence. It's about recognizing that healing takes time and being willing to invest in one's health for the long term.

Empowered decision-making involves research, finding trusted providers, and taking proactive steps towards wellness. While it may seem overwhelming, guidance is available to navigate the process. Despite challenges in finding the right provider, more professionals are becoming trained in complex cases, offering hope for better support and outcomes.

You can learn more about our Brain Behavior Reset Program here: Brain Behavior Reset Program

If you want to know more about neurofeedback, check out the following:

●      Neurofeedback Overview

●      Neurofeedback

To learn more about Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge and science-backed mental health solutions, please visit

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➡️ “Is it ADHD or something else?” Take the quiz. 

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