Is it ADHD or something else?

131: Where do I Start with Natural Mental Health Solutions?

In today’s episode, we’re exploring the initial steps towards incorporating natural mental health solutions and enhancing brain health. We’re going to discuss natural solutions that resonate authentically for you and your family, guided by your values.

Mental health has emerged as a critical concern, affecting individuals across all walks of life. As awareness about mental well-being grows, so does the understanding of the importance of natural mental health solutions. These solutions, founded on holistic health principles and nurturing the mind using natural approaches, have gained popularity due to their potential to promote emotional strength, cognitive vitality, and overall mental health.

In today’s episode, we're exploring the initial steps towards incorporating natural mental health solutions and enhancing brain health. We’re going to discuss natural solutions that resonate authentically for you and your family, guided by your values.

Identifying and prioritizing key behaviors in children with ADHD and learning challenges.

My personal approach is to identify the unique behavioral patterns, particularly focusing on conditions like ADHD, anxiety, and depression because while there are clinical aspects consistent across cases, each person's experience is distinct. Even in cases of ADHD, no two individuals showcase exactly the same behaviors or brain profiles.

To effectively address these conditions, it's essential to pinpoint the primary behaviors driving the challenges. If we were to distill it down to three core behaviors, let's take an example of a recent case involving anxiety, ADHD, and learning difficulties like dyslexia. The most troublesome behaviors were aggression towards a sibling, faster processing, and challenges in learning. These behaviors were identified as the key drivers, providing a focal point for developing tailored strategies and interventions.

It’s best to have a journal, whether it's a physical book or notes on your phone, to track and detachingly observe your experiences. This can aid in the introspection process. You can also try joining relevant communities or groups, like our Facebook group which you can access through our Natural Parenting Solutions group.

Consider supplements, therapy, courses, or other possibilities like neurofeedback. Research each option thoroughly and prioritize calming and regulating the brain, especially for emotionally dysregulated individuals, as learning is ineffective without a regulated brain. Consistency is key in whatever path you choose, emphasizing the importance of avoiding the misconception of a quick-fix solution and understanding the need for commitment and dedication in the journey towards mental health.

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