Executive Functioning Enhancement

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety can result from everyday stress that interferes with one’s daily functioning. Some people show physical signs of anxiety, such as teeth grinding, headaches, or stomach pain, while others may have internal types of anxiety, such as obsessive thinking, compulsions, worry,  or irrational fears.  

Ongoing stress and anxiety impacts how our body and brain functions, which results in abnormal brain wave functioning.

An icon depicting the letter i in purple and white.

What Can Alter Executive Functioning?

The parts of the brain that control executive functioning, the frontal lobes, have an impact on every single neuropsychological function in the brain. So when executive functioning is impaired, you can see struggles in all aspects of daily functioning.

Our Science-backed Solutions

QEEG brain map - Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge

How Can Neurofeedback Help?

Neurofeedback teaches the brain self-regulation, something people with executive functioning lack, in a pleasant yet highly effective way. They typically have too many unfocused brain waves and not enough focused brain waves in the frontal lobe region. Neurofeedback can alter the amount of and ratios of these waves to help retrain the brain and therefore reduce symptoms.

neurofeedback test

How Can Biofeedback Help?

Biofeedback is designed to help the Central Nervous System (CNS) to calm down so one can more readily engage. For those with behavioral issues, their CNS is often more easily overstimulated. Biofeedback uses subtle changes in the body to consciously register mindful acts leading to self-regulation, which results in increased focus and calming.

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How Can Counseling Help?

Behavioral therapy, parent coaching, and executive functioning training gives you the tools to learn new, more productive ways to deal with behaviors. We combine psychoeducation with research-based tools that empower parents and children for change. Whether working with our on-staff behaviorist or one of our therapists, we coach and support parents through the implementation of new techniques.

Why Dr. Roseann for Executive Functioning?

Dr. Roseann is a Psychologist who works with children, teens and young adults from all over the US supporting them with research based and holistic therapies that are bridged with neuroscience.

Dr. Roseann is a Board Certified Neurofeedback (BCN) Practitioner and is a Board Member of the Northeast Region Biofeedback Society (NRBS) and Epidemic Answers.

She is also a member of the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR) and The Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB).

Here’s What Children and Families Are Saying About Working With Us!

A BrainBehaviorReset™ Program featuring a purple arrow on a black background.
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Need help with Executive Functioning Enhancement for your child and family?

We’ve helped over 10,000+ children, teens, and young adults find relief, calm the brain, and lead healthy lives. If you’re worried that your current path is not getting to the bottom of the issues…all you need to do is fill out our solution matcher. We’ll let you know which of our solutions is right for your child and family.

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147 Therapist-Endorsed

Self-Regulation Strategies

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A Practical Guide For Parents

147 therapist endorsed self-regulation strategies for children a practical guide for parents
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