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Thank you for connecting with us.

Please check your email for confirmation from [email protected]. We sent an important resource to match you with the right solutions that will help you get to the bottom of the issues, once and for all. 

Just know we are a team of moms who know exactly what it feels like when you or your child is struggling. Boy, it can feel overwhelming for any family. 

You are in the right place and we can help you with our science-backed solutions. We look forward to guiding you on the path to calm, health, and well-being.

No matter where you are on your journey, it's gonna be ok because you are taking action toward change.💜

With love and light,

Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge

In case you are in crisis and need our immediate help, you can get in touch with us by contacting our center 203.826.2975

We also encourage you to join our free Facebook Community, Natural Parenting Solutions with Dr. Roseann.

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7 day challenge

Counter your overwhelm and reset your nervous system in 7 days

7 Days to
Self Regulation

Challenge starts on April 22!

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147 Therapist-Endorsed

Self-Regulation Strategies

for Children

A Practical Guide For Parents

147 therapist endorsed self-regulation strategies for children a practical guide for parents
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