What’s the #1 burning question about your child’s behavior that keeps you up at night?

268: How Quickly Does Neurofeedback Work?

Explore the transformative potential of neurofeedback to improve focus, emotional regulation, and well-being, with insights on its process and lasting benefits.

Neurofeedback has the potential to yield transformative results, offering lasting improvements in focus, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. It has been a powerful and life-changing tool for many, bringing positive shifts to both children and adults facing a range of challenges, from ADHD and anxiety to stress and sleep issues.

However, it's important to recognize that while the positive outcomes can be significant, they don't always appear immediately. Understanding how neurofeedback works and how quickly it works is key to managing expectations and maximizing its benefits. In this episode, we’ll uncover how this brain training method can lead to transformative changes over time. Whether you're new to neurofeedback or looking to deepen your understanding, this episode will provide the insights you need.

Neurofeedback's Quick and Long-Term Effects

Neurofeedback is a non-medication approach to brain regulation that can bring quick wins while offering a long-term solution. It's designed to gently adjust brainwave patterns, helping the brain learn to regulate itself. This process doesn't rely on medication or any external substances, making it a natural solution backed by solid research.

However, it's important to set realistic expectations from the start. When parents come to me for neurofeedback, I want them to understand that while some improvements can be seen quickly, the process is gradual. We’re not in a society that values patience, but achieving long-term success requires consistent effort, much like any skill development. Just as professional athletes put in hours of practice to develop muscle memory, neurofeedback requires commitment.

It’s not about quick fixes; it's about learning new responses and building resilience. This is especially crucial when it comes to dysregulated children, who may not be absorbing new information due to overstimulation or stress. In terms of expectations, most people will need around 40 sessions. Anything under 20 sessions is typically not enough for the brain to learn a new pattern.

This is why regular sessions, like two to three times a week, are essential. The brain needs consistent reinforcement, just like any other form of training. Sessions typically last about 30 minutes and are tailored to the individual, allowing for either a more conservative or aggressive approach depending on the needs of the child. This flexibility allows us to target specific challenges, like impulse control, while keeping parents fully informed and involved in the process.

Neurofeedback works best as part of a broader, multi-pronged approach. It's one piece of the puzzle, helping to regulate the nervous system so that the brain can absorb new learning. In my practice, I work closely with parents to ensure that neurofeedback, along with other strategies, creates lasting changes for their children.

Early and Mid-Treatment Results

Neurofeedback is a powerful tool for brain regulation, and I work with parents to ensure they have the right strategies in place alongside the treatment. Our approach is multi-pronged, addressing diet, nutrition, and more to support lasting changes. If you're curious to learn more, you can visit our website and fill out the Solution Matcher to find the right path for you: https://drroseann.com/help/

Early results vary, but most people start noticing gradual changes. Some, especially those with brain injuries, might experience significant changes later on, around sessions 18 or 20. However, most people experience smaller improvements in the beginning. Within 10 sessions or less, many notice better sleep, reduced irritability, and calmer mornings. These early changes are a sign that neurofeedback is working, even if the effects are temporary at first.

Behavioral changes, such as less rage, may occur but might not last until the brain has learned a new response. By the midway point, typically between sessions 15 and 25, you’ll see more consistent results. This is when the brain shifts from its old, unhealthy responses to a new set point. You’ll likely notice improvements in the intensity, frequency, and duration of behaviors. It’s not the final outcome yet, but you’ll see clear progress, especially in areas like focus and emotional regulation.

Parents often report that their child is just “more with it” and able to respond without emotional reactivity for the first time. These improvements are significant and show that neurofeedback is working, but there's still more progress to be made. As the brain continues to adjust, ongoing support and complementary strategies ensure the changes are not just sustained but improved. When working with a skilled practitioner, like myself, everything is strategically targeted to ensure the best outcomes for your child.

Full Treatment Effects and Long-Term Maintenance

After around 40 sessions of neurofeedback, you will see significant improvements, such as better focus, attention, memory, and processing speed. Many people are so pleased with the results that they continue beyond 40 sessions. While the results vary, some individuals with complex cases may require more sessions. For instance, children with autism, which can complicate neuroplasticity, may need additional work. However, neurofeedback still helps create improvements in flexibility and resilience, making it easier for children to cope with their challenges. Although it doesn’t change who a person is, it helps reduce symptoms that interfere with living a regulated, happy life.

Full effects are seen with more regulated behavior and greater flexibility. A child who would normally retreat to their room for hours might only need a brief moment of space, which is a huge breakthrough. Parents often notice more academic success as a result of better emotional regulation, though it's important to recognize that neurofeedback also impacts behavior at home, where many children let go of their control. While changes are generally lasting, factors like age, diet, symptom severity, and family dynamics can affect progress.

Neuroplasticity is greater in younger brains, and a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet plays a crucial role in supporting these changes. With neurofeedback, children become more resilient and flexible, and dietary changes often follow, helping them become less restricted and more open to new foods. The presence of psych meds, particularly SSRIs, can impact the process, so it’s essential to work with someone who has experience in this area to avoid negative interactions. Medications can become less necessary as the brain regulates itself, so it’s important to work with a prescriber who is willing to adjust medication as needed.

It is also important to note that neurofeedback works best when paired with complementary strategies, such as dietary changes, sleep hygiene, therapy, and behavior support. In our program, we emphasize the combination of these strategies to achieve the best outcomes. So make sure to visit our website and connect with us!

Discover science-backed mental health solutions and gain valuable insights from Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge by exploring the resources available at www.drroseann.com.

To learn more about this, check out the following:

●      Brain behavior reset program

●      143 Neurofeedback your questions answered

Links and Resources:

➡️ Join our FREE Natural Parenting Community to receive science-backed resources for your child and family. Join here.

➡️ Get help from Dr. Roseann and her team. Apply here. 

➡️ “Is it ADHD or something else?” Take the quiz. 

Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge: Revolutionizing Children’s Mental Health

Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge’s podcast, It’s Gonna be OK!™: Science-Backed Solutions for Children’s Behavior and Mental Health, is in the top 2% globally. The podcast empowers parents with natural, science-backed solutions to improve children’s self-regulation and calm their brains. Each episode delivers expert advice and practical strategies, making it indispensable for parents of neurodivergent children or those with behavioral or mental health challenges.

Dr. Roseann, founder of The Global Institute of Children’s Mental Health and Dr. Roseann, LLC, created the Neurotastic™ Brain Formulas and BrainBehaviorReset® method. With her extensive experience, she provides families with hope and effective strategies to manage conditions like ADHD, anxiety, OCD, and PANS/PANDAS. 

Forbes has called her “A thought leader in children’s mental health,” highlighting her revolutionary impact on mental health education and treatment. Through her podcast and innovative methods, Dr. Roseann continues to transform how we approach, treat and understand children’s mental health.

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