QEEG Brain Map and Psychological Assessment

Want to gain clarity on what’s really going on with your child, teen or yourself, and finally get the right treatment that works?

Then, it's time for QEEG Brain Map Diagnostic Assessment with Dr. Roseann  and her team of Top Mental Health Expert

For Three Decades, Dr. Roseann Has Helped
Over 10,000 People Get to the Bottom of
Their Mental Health Issues


This is not your standard psychological assessment. 

A psychological assessment with Dr. Roseann and her team includes: 

  • QEEG Brain Map
  • Neuropsychological Checklist
  • One-to-One Intake With Dr. Roseann  
  • Written Care Plan for Client and Referring Physician, Health Care Provider or Mental Health Provider
  • QEEG Brain Map Report 

We Check “Under the Hood” to See What's Really Going on with the Brain. Literally.

It all starts with the right assessment. With an in-person QEEG brain mapping in our Connecticut Center (or virtual brain check for remote clients) , we can get objective data on brain functioning.

“How exactly does it work?”

It’s powerfully simple (and pain-free!). We apply sensors and collect data. This allows us to see their unique brain patterns, and understand which areas have too much or too little brainwave activity.

Yup, that’s right. No guesswork because we have data that shows us what the brain is doing!

How it helps get to the bottom of the issues once and for all

QEEG Brain Map gives an accurate visual representation of the brain. It identifies what areas of the brain are under stimulated or overstimulated.

Stop wasting time with current system of care of “guessing” without real data. 

Correct diagnosis, Correct Treatment Plan and Path

Get a care plan from Dr. Roseann, a top mental health expert and receive brain-based recommendations that follow what Science has shown us that works!

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