Early intervention is the key to addressing mental health issues, especially for children. However, some parents had terrible experiences seeking help from pediatricians because they were concerned about their children.
Also, some patients are hesitant to consult with their doctors for various reasons, including medical gaslighting. Sadly, some doctors blame or downplay the patient's health concerns or symptoms.
Such an encounter is frustrating. However, every parent should know how to handle the situation when the doctor gaslights their concerns, especially about their child.
What do you do when your doctor doesn't validate your concerns?
I've had a client who felt like her child might be on the spectrum, but the pediatrician just shrugged off her concerns and even said that it was just a result of bad parenting. The doctor then blamed her for the mental health issues of her child.
Fortunately, she remained strong and found help from someone else. But unfortunately, it turned out that her son did have autism. Imagine the horror if she couldn't take her child to another doctor for consultation.
They say the sooner we address mental health conditions, whether autism, attention deficit disorder (ADD) or anxiety, the easier they are to manage. So, if doctors downplay or ignore the symptoms experienced by children struggling with mental health, it will be a massive problem for the children and the parents.
To avoid medical gaslighting from happening, the first thing you have to do is to find a reliable doctor or healthcare provider whom you can trust and who validates your concerns. Your concerns are critically important and should never be downplayed or ignored.
You need to accept that you are the CEO of your family's mental health
Never give away your power as the CEO of your family's mental health. When you give that power away, you also give them control to decide for you.
You need to keep in mind that you are the best advocate for yourself. However, that doesn't mean turning away when your healthcare provider tells you something you don't want to hear.
We've already mentioned the importance of having a doctor or provider aligned with us and our visions. And as the CEO of your family's mental health, you must ensure a trusting relationship between you and your child's doctor to address your child's mental health concerns.
How to find a provider or practitioner who is in alignment with you
Find a reliable provider who shares the same values. If you are not aligned with someone and ask for advice, you'll end up hearing things you don't want to hear. In addition, their opinions could affect your relationship with them and your mindset.
In our BrainBehaviorResetTM Program, we get applications from many people, but they don't just get accepted instantly. Therefore, alignment between the client and us is crucial. As we envision positive changes, the clients must also be ready.
Don't align yourself with someone who invalidates your concerns. No one deserves to be treated like that. If you're a parent and you have concerns about your child, it's always valid. Take proactive steps.
Remember that nobody ever regrets getting help. They only regret when they don't.
Stay tuned for more episodes as we continue to dive deep into the journey of parenting!
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