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A group of children developing self-regulation and emotional intelligence through yoga.

Self-Regulation and Emotional Intelligence: Essential Strategies for Developing Skills

From the moment children are born, self-regulation is an important skill. It allows children to self-soothe and calms the brain’s reactivity to everyday stressors.  Self-regulation is your child’s ability to control their thoughts, emotions, temperament, and actions. It also gives them the power to tackle any challenge that comes their way. Nurturing emotional regulation skills prepares younger children for a

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A group of children developing self-regulation and emotional intelligence through yoga.

Self-Regulation and Emotional Intelligence: Essential Strategies for Developing Skills

From the moment children are born, self-regulation is an important skill. It allows children to self-soothe and calms the brain’s reactivity to everyday stressors.  Self-regulation is your child’s ability to control their thoughts, emotions, temperament, and actions. It also gives them the power to tackle any challenge that comes their way. Nurturing emotional regulation skills prepares younger children for a

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